My First Day in the United States
Author: Maria, Age 10
Pennsylvania, USA
It was a dark night at the airport, when I left the airport with my mom. Outside it was cold and windy. People were walking and talking on their phones, and other people were waiting for a taxi.
"It's so cold, mom," I said trembling.
"I know, it's so cold, very cold," my mom said.
I covered myself with my pink blanket, so as not to freeze. When my mom called my uncle to tell her that we were outside. I was tired and hungry.
When my mom finished talking on the phone, he took my hand, "Come on, let's go," my mom said, "Where?" I asked. "Just follow me we are going to the door of the airport", and then I did finally see my uncle at the car. "Uncle! I screamed, as I ran to his car very fast. "Hello, Maria. How are you?" "We are good," my mom said. "Sounds good, now get in the car," my uncle said. "Wait, where are my cousins?" I asked. "Oh, at the house," my uncle said, "Oh, okay!" I said.
In the car, outside on the window of the car, I did see so much snow, the snow it was white.
“Wow, I didn't see snow before, can I touch it?” I asked.
“Maybe when we arrive,” my mom said.
“Okay," I said.
When we arrived I opened the door of the car, hurried and closely touched the snow. It was very cold, and my finger started to freeze.
“Wow, it is very cold and the snow feels like fluffy,” I said.
“I know, so why did you touch it?” my mom asked.
“Because in Mexico there’s no snow. In Mexico it is always hot and when it is cold it's never snowy."
When I entered my uncle's house I saw my cousins, Camila, April, Jenny and Andres.
“Mariaaa!” Camila screamed. “You are here!” “Umm….hi”
I said.
“Let's play!” Camila say
“But first, where is Jenny and April?” I asked.
“They are in her room, let me call, JENNY!APRIL!” Camila screamed.
“WHAT?” Jenny screamed. “Come and see!” Camila said.
When Jenny got to the kitchen she was shocked “Maria!?” Jenny gasped.
“OMG,HOLA” (hola means hello in Spanish, and my cousins speak Spanish and English with me)
“How are you Jenny?” I said. “Dinner time!” My uncle said. “YIPPY” Camila yiked.
When we ate dinner and had a dinner talk, my Aunt Lucia arrive from her work.
“Omg,hello Maria,” my Aunt said. “Hi, Aunt, sit down and lets finish dinner” I said.
We go to bed time and we sleep.
I sleep in my Aunt's room, and my Aunt with my Uncle; they sleep on a couch.
Next day I awoke and take breakfast and brush my teeth.
“Don't forgot your Uncle Joel is going to take us to his house, and we are going to live there for some months,”my mom said.
“Ok, but I heard you say we are going to go to an apartment,” I said worried
“Don’t worry,”my mom says.
“Okay” I said a little sad
“One hour later my Uncle Joel arrived, and he took us to his house. Then I met my cousins Isabella and Emma, “MARIA” Emma and Isabella screamed.
“HOLA” I said. “Okay let's go” my uncle said. We arrived to the house,its was bigger. Well, not too much but I liked it. And, we had so much fun adventures, like going to
the beach, going to the park and more adventures that are not real adventures but I liked them.
I got my own room, my own things and my own space.
But I still miss my old home, but one day I can go back, but I love the United States.