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1. Joanie’s family is Christian. How do you think religion affects their life?

2. What is it about this event that makes Joanie feel so peaceful?

3. What are you thankful for in your life?

Chapter 23 Activities


1. Why does Joanie like living in Washington, DC?

2. Do you like the city or town you live in? Why or why not?

3. Can you introduce each of your family members in English?


1. Why is Sophia upset?

2. How did Joanie help her?

3. Has someone ever stood up for you before?


1. How do the different family members enjoy their snow day?

2. Explain the meaning of “snowball effect.”

3. What happens after Clare is knocked over?


1. What do you think Grant and Dad were talking about in hushed voices?

2. Have you ever had to do a big presentation?

3. How did Joanie recover from the mistake?


1. Explain the goal of the egg project.

2. If you were assigned this project, how would you go about it?

3. Have you ever had an experience that ended in a funny, unexpected way?


1. Does Joanie have a special friendship with her grandma?

2. If you answered yes, how can you tell?

3. Do you have an older person in your family you admire?


1. Explain the twins’ prank. What did they do?

2. Has anyone ever pranked you? What happened?

3. What does that date (April 1st) have to do with the story? Have you heard of April Fools Day before?


1. What are Joanie’s main feelings in this chapter?

2. How does the Spelling Bee end?

3. Why is Joanie proud of second place?


1. How does Joanie feel about the twins always tagging along?

2. Who wins the splash contest and how?

3. Have you ever won a contest like this?


1. Why do you think Grant suggested this game in particular?

2. Do you and your friends play similar games?

3. What did the younger kids realize in the end when they saw the older boys?


1. What does Joanie do to prepare the lemonade stand?

2. Why doesn’t Joanie want the twins and Jasper joining her friends?

3. In the end, how do you know that Ty, Ruby, and Jasper are the other kids selling lemonade?


1. What are Joanie's responsibilities and what happens?

2. How does she handle her mistake? Who helps her?

3. Have you ever made a mistake like this one? What did you do?


1. Why do Joanie and Clare become curious about this new country?

2. What do they do to learn more about it?

3. How can Joanie tell that she is growing (mentally and physically)?


1. Why do you think Ty is crying at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What happens in Joanie’s nightmare?

3. Have you ever had a dream that related to something that was really happening?


1. Which part of the city’s description is your favorite?

2. What’s the biggest city you’ve visited? Did you like it?

3. Which fear did Joanie and Ruby overcome?


1. Did you understand any of the idioms mentioned?

2. What is your favorite idiom in your native language?

3. Look up the meanings of each idiom. Which is your favorite?


1. Why is Grant embarrassed in front of his family?

2. How do Ty and Ruby respond to Grant’s embarrassment?

3. What does Grant’s dad buy him? Why will it help?


1. “The dog ate my homework” is a classic excuse in the US. Do you have anything similar in your culture and language?

2. Why do you think the dog is named ‘Fudge’? (If you don’t know, look up the meaning.)

3. How do the twins avoid trouble? What happened in the end?


1. Why are Clare and Joanie dressed up as two mittens on a string?

2. What rule do Joanie and Clare break and why do they do it?

3. What’s the best thing to do when you break a rule?


1. Have you ever had the same thoughts/questions as Joanie?

2. What do you daydream about most often?

3. How is daydreaming a weakness? How is it a strength?


1. Why does Joanie like Thanksgiving most years?

2. Which Thanksgiving traditions seem most interesting to you?

3. What happened to Grammy and how does Joanie find comfort in her sadness?


1. Why is Joanie initially upset with her friends?

2. What is the significance of each gift she receives?

3. Have you ever felt valued and special like this?

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